Some of you may find this sarcastic and rude, some of you may find this loving and sincere. You're all's everything, but I certainly have no intention to offend. Sure, there is a slight "airing of grievances" feel, but it's just a jumble of my thoughts.
You find out who your friends are when they visit you regularly,
When they support you at your job by SPENDING MONEY to see your work's latest play or attraction,
When they don't complain about the price of your work's shows or admission,
When they don't ask you if they can get in for free or for a discount,
When they know your job title,
When they know what your actual job duties are (If you spend the time explaining them, that is.),
When they know your major,
When they know your minor...s,
When they come to Europe with you,
When they do all they can to go to Europe with you but just plain can't go,
When they stab you in the back,
When they leave and never come back,
When they leave without saying goodbye,
When they tell you all the things you do that drive them absolutely insane but let you do them anyway because it doesn't really matter,
When they won't tell you what's bugging them and keep it all inside until they either fade away or blow up in your face,
When they say "I love you,"
When they say "I hate you,"
When they call you a fag,
When they call you a bitch (or betch),
When they like your boyfriend so much they can hang out together without you,
When they put on a gas mask for you,
When they make a fool of themselves in front of you,
When they let you vent about your frustrations with the LDS Church and just say "I know! I'm so sorry! It sucks!" rather than starting a fruitless debate,
When they accept a present from you,
When they fail to accept a present from you,
When they give you a present,
And when they ask you what you'd like for a present so you receive something you'd actually like to have.
Depression, Anxiety, Love...and Other Drugs
I can't write.
Well, the title pretty much explains it all. It's also not vague in any way.
Okay, maybe it's a little vague considering I kind of copied a movie title a little tiny bit.
I have depression and anxiety. Both are likely inherited (thanks, parents). I have always been a rather anxious person. I figure a large portion of my anxiety was actually learned and conditioned considering I grew up "different" and Mormon. To say the least, that calls for a lot of nervous times.
Of course I have also been depressed at times...even suicidal. But this time it's different.
Miserable Emptiness
There's no foundation to the sadness. I feel an emptiness I believe could never be reconciled. A void that could absolutely never be filled. I don't want to do anything. I don't want to move. I don't want to talk. I don't want to wake up. I don't want to sleep. If I sleep, I have to eventually wake up something. I don't want to see my friends. I don't want to see my boyfriend. I don't want to see my family. It makes me sick.
I want to quit school. I want to quit my job...s. I want to quit. I don't necessarily want to die, but I want to hurt myself so I can prove to you all how sick I am. So I can prove to you how much I need to quit quit my jobs...s.
I want to run away. Running away will fix everything. It will fix nothing.
I'm in love. It's weird to be in love for the first time and also be extremely depressed. And then to be taking an antidepressant that increases your anxiety five-fold. I'm in love. Why now? What bizarre timing.
I want to run away...with him. That will fix everything. It will fix nothing.
I can't write.
I'm afraid to write.
I'm afraid to tell you what is going on with me.
I'm again afraid of being judged and having even more stereotypes hurled at me.
I want to run away. I'll run until the pills, pills, and more pills kick in and fix everything. They'll fix nothing.
They won't fix me.
They won't fix my family.
They won't fix the business.
They won't fix my boyfriend.
They won't fix my relationship with him either.
I guess I have to participate too.
I want to run away. I want to hide until I have the energy to help the pills.
They're so demanding of me.