An Ode to Fog
You are:
So mysterious
So moist
So humidifying
So refreshing
So chilling
So obscuring
So swathing
So stirring
So romantic
So zombie-filled
So enveloping
So brief
So tranquil
So surprising
So quiet
So still
So fleeting
So unbelievably beautiful
Mono Lessons (Part III: 51-66)
You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll thank God you don't have mono.
51. It could have been worse.
52. IKEA is one of the best ideas ever.
53. You can truly forgive without actually forgetting.
54. Some talent goes beyond my wildest dreams.
55. Gender and sexual orientation are 100x more complicated and confusing than I ever thought. And look whose talking.
56. “Gay” doesn’t quite cut it. But is there something that does?
57. You can’t get nasal spray vaccinations for the flu if you have some sort of preexisting condition.
58. It’s hard to stay “healthy enough” to have a chance to get a regular injected flu vaccine.
59. People use the most idiotic excuses to avoid taking responsibility.
60. I can actually work from home quite easily if I don’t have to call anybody.
61. The politics in that place are fucking bullshit. Oh wait, I knew that already. It was just reaffirmed…again. How redundant.
62. Kneaders has the best oatmeal raison cookies.
63. Butternut squash bisque from Paradise is amazing.
64. On ultra annoying nausea days, Chipotle is often the only thing I can fathom eating. Specifically the hard shell tacos.
65. Jessica and I have our mindless and hilarious conversations at work to help keep a satisfying level of sanity (or insanity).
66. Mono screwed with my:
a. Appetite
b. Skin
c. Scalp
d. Sinuses
e. Throat
f. Weight
g. Pants
h. Belts
i. Head
j. Judgment
k. Voice
l. Personality
m. Mood
n. Amount of sleep
o. Sleep patterns
p. Sleep schedule
q. Sleep in general, apparently
r. School schedule
s. Work schedule
t. Boy schedule
u. Friend schedule
v. Homework schedule
w. Probably my pancreas
x. Probably the sac around my heart
y. Stamina
z. Motivation
aa. Drive
bb. Heart rhythm
cc. Diet
dd. Hydration
ee. Potassium levels